Current climate change patterns and causes are comparable to the Permian Mass Extinction of 250 million years ago, when over 90% of all complex lifeforms became extinct. Source: SkepticalScience
Human activity is killing nature at an unprecedented rate. We are now experiencing the consequences in the form of a possible sixth mass extinction. Natural History Museum
“While humanity has prospered immensely in recent decades, the ways in which we have achieved such prosperity means that it has come at a devastating cost to Nature. Estimates of our total impact on Nature suggest that we would require 1.6 Earths to maintain the world’s current living standards.”....... “Biodiversity is declining faster than at any time in human history. Current extinction rates of species in various orders are estimated to have risen to 100-1,000 times the average extinction rate over the past tens of millions of years ― The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review 2021
2023 UK State of Nature Report
“We are out of harmony with nature,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres told world leaders at the 2022 Biodiversity COP. “Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction. … And ultimately, we are committing suicide by proxy.”
Climate breakdown and habitat destruction caused by human activity are killing off animal and plant populations across the world. According to the UN, 1 million species are at risk of extinction globally. And in the UK, a quarter of mammals are at imminent risk of disappearing – including wildcats and hedgehogs. Friends of the Earth
”Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn.” Source: The Guardian